Sunday, July 30, 2006

These pics make me smile - and that's a good thing

This is an ancient pic of Molly but seeing her in this coat while we are in the midst of this awful HOT summer makes me feel a bit cooler! WOW - how she has grown!

Yes, Maggie is not smiling but the look is just so impish...

I'll get bigger pics next time!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

On a lighter note

If you look up MUFFIN TOP in Websters Dictionary I do believe this is the accompanying photo. Hoo! Poor Molly...

Some days...

Some days I think I'm working way too hard at pleasing everyone else and doing absolutely nothing to better myself. It's the kids, or Todd or the cat... Now, it's the landlords - yes, the ones who wouldn't give a FAMILY with TWO SMALL CHILDREN a break when we asked for a BRIEF extension on our lease to find out if Todd had a job up north. They actually thought we'd stay in the 115 degree heat of the San Fernando Valley for a full extra year and they forced our hand! We either had to sign the lease or give notice and pray that we find a place to live.

We are praying.

And packing.

And, now they want us to hold all the applications for them so they didn't have to get a PO box. Next they'll ask us if they can stop by to do minor redecorating. They'll ask if Todd "doesn't mind" seeding the whole yard or putting in a new dishwasher. Ugh! I just hope that the next people who live here are "real" renters. People who stain the carpets and let the grass get weedy and just act like normal folks. We've bent over backwards to keep this place pristine and they still wouldn't give us the courtesy of a brief extension. I do have doormat written on me don't I??

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sleeping Beauties

Yes, this IS a post about life with Maggie and Molly - finally.

I have this thing that I love to do. No one really knows about it and yet it is truly one of the things that gives me such unbelievable JOY.

When the girls are asleep, I love to quietly sneak into their rooms and just watch them. I could honestly do this for hours (days) and never grow tired of it. It is so hard to describe why I love to do this so much. It's not the obvious "oh, aren't they little angels" sort of thing. It goes way beyond that...

When I look down at them, I see them for who they really are. Instead of seeing a tantrum throwing 16-month-old, I see this luscious little fairy who looks as though she was flying high above the crib and then, upon hearing the door creak as I open it, drops to the mattress and lands in her mid-flight position. Her face has an impish smile and her chubby little legs look almost as though she was doing a fancy Irish jig in the sky. I just stare and stare, barely breathing.

And, on the rare occasions that my 3 year old is actually napping, I am fascinated to see her, not as my way-too-sassy pre-schooler, but as this sweet (okay, yes, angelic) child who is just not of this generation. She looks like a child from the 1920's - golden curls, pink cheeks and those crazy dark lashes. But, it's not just the physical, it's more about the old fashioned, deeply innocent nature she exudes. She seems to have found her way into this 21st century bed straight off the page of an old Ivory soap advertisement.

Then, they wake up.

It's back to reality and all innocence and impishness is GONE! We're back to hair pulling, and teasing and (my favorite) the tantrums. So, I guess I DO know why I love these rare moments so much. Sometimes, it's just so hard when all I seem to do all day is play referee and reprimand. These precious moments make me quietly observe the true beauty of my children.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hydrogen Peroxide Rocks!

Okay, so it's only my second post and I'm already NOT talking about life with Maggie and Molly. This is good though. We're probably moving soon and want everything to be super clean when we leave our rental home. So, I got down on my hands and knees with a toothbrush and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide to clean the shower - fun! But, the HP is incredible at getting off stains, mildew, etc. Just pour it on full strength and wait for it to stop foaming (the cool part) then scrub away!

Sooo, what were Maggie and Molly doing while I was having fun with bubbles? Napping!! Well, Molly was and Maggie was reading Richard Scarry's Best First Word Book Ever. She's moving away from the whole nap thing but we try...

Monday, July 17, 2006


Maggie and Molly...

Oh, how they have changed my life! Each day is something new and each day I am reminded how LITTLE I really know about being a mom. It's an amazing mix of sheer joy, utter frustration and a good dose of whimsical loopiness. Welcome...